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Вы здесь » Аркхейм » Блоги игроков » Don't Worry, You'll Like it Here

Don't Worry, You'll Like it Here

Сообщений 1 страница 2 из 2


Темка в основном на английском.

Yi Sang (Limbus Company), Flamebringer (Arknights), Faust (Arknights), Snow (Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku).


- The mere fact that I was born from the shards of a being similar to you... Alongside hundreds, thousands of other miserable beasts with no will and purpose! So tell me, demiurge, why did you get to enjoy your powers indivisibly, while I had to claw my way through dozens of equally pathetic worms? An entire horde of devotees at your beck and call, willingly placing their fates in your filthy hands, given to you by what? By your power? By your birthright? What makes us so different, me and you, that you got the whole empire bowing at your feet, while I... I...

He what? Had he ever even lusted for power? At which point in his life had he felt jealousy towards those who seemed to gather the plethora of followers willing to worship him? Oh, but he had, hadn't he? There was a time when he had been cowering in the dune's shadows, watching the pack leaders with hateful eyes, dreaming of having strength similar to theirs. But his desperate desire to survive was stronger than his resentment, so he had driven those thoughts deep within and buried them under the primordial instincts crucial to preserving his life. As he escaped his dying galaxy, his mind was in no state to fixate on his own wants and adapted the wants of a lone, broken teenager who was reckless enough to approach the two-thousand old beast.

His existence was not defined by anything that was truly his. Hunting, devouring and assimilating was what drove him, but how did that make him different from the shivering weakling that knew of nothing but how to stay alive? The creatures that lived with a mind of their own had a purpose.

And he... had it not.


Отредактировано Шантитус (2023-08-17 15:37:05)



- will eat you in your sleep
- high risk of getting your face bitten off, approach with caution
- if not for food then what's the point
- a pack mate gets a free pass, but you have to do more than a backflip to become one


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